Friday, January 30, 2009

Madrid Solar Convention Center

Very few people know that due to decent weather and heavy public investment, Spain has quietly become a giant in solar energy, which has led to Madrid's building investment to create an icon that will represent the far reaching achievements in solar technology.

This symbol, designed by Mansilla+Tunon is a new convention center whose facade will be made entirely of solar panels. Just under 330 feet tall, it is to have over six stories of convention spaces, totalling over 1 million square feet with its largest auditorium seating 5,000.

The building gets its concept from a "solar lens" (now dubbed the "Death Star" by some critics, who must be star wars buffs) and is to be located with the business district of the city and will be surrounded by new office towers. It has been called "an advertisement for the country's accomplishments in cutting edge solar technology", which may soon become Spain's signature export as countries like the US scramble to catch up with the green revolution."

Image obtained from:

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